Thursday, October 1, 2009

A new Month

Today is October the first and I like to take the opportunity to start over this month. Last month was the most interesting and frightening one for a long time. Although it had some great downs I also got rewarded with some nice ups too.
Not only has my average blogpost per day ratio fallen to 0.4 I also figured out that I didn't feel comfortable with the goal of 1 post per day. I therefor decided to lower it to one post every two days. I strongly believe that this is a great ratio and I'll give my best to fulfill it.
Staring a new quarter of a year is alway quite interesting. Normally it is because I resume my quarterly goals and step forward to the next ones. This time I'm a bit behind my goals but that's okay for the moment. I started this quarter rushing to work to be on time for my English lesson which were great even though we started at 8:00 in the morning.
Apart from that the weather changed to more autumn like temperatures today and I could finally try out my Swedish boots:

Before you start asking me via multiple communication channels, yes they are pink comfortable and I'm not kidding on you. :)

See you soon.