On January the 5th I was asked to go to a party, and I thought it's great idea to try inexpensive make up :).
- some powder from basic (less than 5€)
- eyeshadow base from Rival de Loop (2€)
- magic mascara from essence (3€)
- eye shadows (I bought them in Sweden but they don't have a brand) (less than 3€)
- some liquid foundation (less than 5€)
- coal pencil :)
In general I think the answer is yes we could get along with cheap make up if we had to but working with this sort of make up is more challenging than usual.
Here is the result:
I guess it's a question of patience and skill. Since the experiment is over I probably will give most of the make up up for adoption. I know a sweet little me who loves to experiment and who probably will be very trilled to get new make up for free. Let's hope that her mom has nothing against it ;).